introduction to the giver

‘The giver’ takes place in a dystopian society, in December. This place has many rules that depends on your age.  this is a big community that gets crowded many times. this place is very different from my world. how? you ask. there isn’t many rules here like their is in the book. In this book every time you turn a new age u get a new ‘name’ and there are many u rules u can break but also have to obey. like when u turn an eight u get to get a bike if u ride one before that u get in big trouble. the setting of this place is very unusual and very different.

Jonas is the main character. the place that i’m in at the book  he is a twelve. so now he has been assigned a new role. he is ‘the giver’ and hes getting trained by the so called elder names ‘the receiver.’ he is singled out.  his world is perfect. but everything is under control. the giver alone holds the memories of the true pain and pleasure of life. now its time for jonas to receive the truth. theirs no turning back for him. not now not ever.


Write your first newscast publication here! After you have a final draft, copy, paste, and publish your newscast on your blog with a creative title. If you do not finish this assignment in class on Fri


Ok bullying…. Almost everybody in school gets/got bullied or bully’s other people. It a hard thing to write about because I know this one girl, she’s been bullied since 1st grade but the teasing all started in kindergarten. She always got teased, pushed around, call named and all that stuff. No one really liked her. That all started happening around first grade. She remembered in second grade when this one girl she was really tight with her name was Selena and she said something really harsh… they were all walking back from lunch and Selena was walking with one of her friends and she was she said to her that she ”looked like she was pregnant” and then laughed. So she started to cry and Selena looked make when she was laughing the turned to a straight face, and said ”I was just joking” when she knew she really wasn’t.


To be honest words hurt even if they were ”just joking” or ”playing around” because you never knew what happened to that girl u always picked on before school or days past. She was stuck out, because she was forced to wear that scarf on her head. She regretted going to her mom and saying ”oh that’s really pretty” or ”I want to wear that.” That changed her whole life, sometimes she would even go home and lock herself in a room and just cry. Sometimes she looked in the mirror with her  bloody eyes and asked herself in her head and said ”Why did I do this to myself. Why am I so freaking ugly.” and just watched herself as tears strolled down her face.


When she went to school she hoped to have a perfect day because she already had tons of crap to deal with at home. In 4th grade she never fitted in with all those ”cool girls.” somedays she would just sit by herself. She would always get body shamed. That means you would get called fat or someone would constantly comment about your body or weight. It really hurt her, a lot. Years passed and she starts to hate herself for who she is or what she wears. It really sucked, nobody should have to go through that. NOBODY. At home her brother would always call her fat, or names like ”big man” or ”the beast.” at first it didn’t bother her then he started to still make fun of her even in public when she’s with her friends or he’s with his. She remembered everyday she cried and she was known as the cry baby in the house or sometimes her big sister would always say to her ”stop being so sensitive.” she would always think to herself ”they made me like this” or ”why does this have to happen to me”


Soon she gained to be depressed. And she would believe stuff people told her. She’s fat, ugly, pathetic, lame, and just pure nothing. So it’s time around middle school. She has this issue that she gets ”to attached” to people. Bullying hurts a lot. Being called names isn’t  ”bullying.” bullying is constant being called names, being pushed, stuff like that and  just basically everything harsh. Bullying causes u to have low-self-esteem and maybe even to commit suicide. Bullying and bullies messes up your head. She has thought about committing suicide because they thought there wasn’t anything to live for anymore. She was so close then her friend came over and rushed upstairs just in time. She was glad later on in life because without her she wouldn’t have met these amazing people or had had those perfect moments with people she cares about.


She had a tough life. Like…..really really tough life. Somedays she would just go home and cry her eyes out, until their was nothing left. Until her eyes were as red as blood. Bullying is the third leading cause of death. From ages of 10 to 24 are the most common ages for people to think or wanted to commit suicide. About 77% of people get bullied every day. She was part of that percent. And she was a part of the 7% that attempted suicide because of bullying. Many days she just wanted 4yto stay home. Now she still gets called names and stuff like that but her life is better. Thankfully she’s still in this world.


i am a reader

right now i am reading ‘the heir’. i haven’t gotten far only on like page 2. so far  i know it is about the first born daughter becoming royalty. and the family wanting the son to become because hes the first born son. so basically they are twins and the girl is seven minutes older.

This entry was posted on August 28, 2017. 1 Comment

i am a reader

The last book i read was “Forged by Fire” in 7th grade. I liked this book because of its back story. it was about this family that has a druggy mother and no dad. It started with this boy, he was an only child until the mother had a child with this other guy. He beat the family and ‘raped’ the little girl. I don’t read that much because its boring to me and i’m picky about interesting books. This is basically the only book iv’e ever read and liked it.

This entry was posted on August 28, 2017. 2 Comments